Summer Educational Enrichment in Math
SEE-Math 2010
Texas A&M University
Open House and Awards Ceremony
Friday July 2, 2010, 1:30-4:30
Parents and Siblings Welcome
Part 1: Guest Lecture
Drs. Martin Avendano & J. Maurice Rojas
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Satellite Orbits and Solving Equations.
While Einstein's theory of relativity helps us understand
the motion of satellites and planets, much of the theory used
to send satellites into orbit today is a lot older: Kepler laid out
the main ideas already in the 17th century. We review some of these
basics from celestial mechanics and then consider a more recent problem:
how do you change the orbit of a satellite in the cheapest way possible?
We'll see how modern algebraic geometry enters the solution. Along the way,
we'll illustrate our ideas with movies of satellite constellations, many
created by our colleague Daniele Mortari.
Part 2: Student Maple Computer Animations
(These will be posted on the web after the awards ceremony.)
Part 3: Student Awards Presentations
© Philip B. Yasskin, 2002-10.
Last updated June 24, 2010